Hi! I'm Nathan, a full-stack developer and machine learning engineer.
My tech journey began at McGill University, where I started as an electrical engineering student but quickly found my true calling in computer science and machine learning. After graduating with a B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering, I joined Stocate, a Montreal startup, as a software engineer.
There, I honed my full-stack development skills, delivering a complete mobile application and significantly contributing to website and database development. My rapid progression at Stocate even led to a brief stint as interim CTO before I decided to further my education with a Master's degree at McGill.
During my Master's, I worked on a Non-Invasive Physical Activity Monitoring System (NiPAMS) project, focusing on machine learning applications to biomedical signal processing. As the lead of the machine learning team, I developed models predicting vital signs with an impressive average accuracy of 92.5%, leading to several academic publications and forming the basis of my thesis.
Now, post completion of my M.Sc., I balance my time between building solutions to improve the digital workplace at Canonical, coding personal projects (like this website!), and self-learning to expand my skillset. Outside of my work, I am also immensely passionate about music (I even produce my own!), sports (huge Manchester United fan), and cooking.
Based now in Toronto, I'm excited about embracing new tech challenges and opportunities. Check out my projects page to see some of the cool stuff I've built!